Many of my links reflect my interest in Metaphysics. I have also included a number of good, general links that serve well as philosophy primers. Note that I do not necessarily agree with all of the information to be found in these links! Even so, I try to read information from all sides of an issue. I recommend that you, gentle reader, do the same. Ponder, critique, and learn!
- Pope John Paul II
Bridging Science and Religion
Bridging Science and Religion: Why it Must be Done
Center For Integral Science
Center for Theology and Natural Sciences
Is Objectivity Faith? A Reconciliation of Science and Religion
Physics and Cosmology from the Center for Theology and Natural Sciences
Science and Religion and Our Role in Nature
Theology Reaches Same Conclusion
Other Websites
Archetypal Fields
Arkadiusz Jadczyk and Quantum Future
Basics of Creative Visualization
Cyclotron Note Books
Guide to Ultimate Reality
Metaphysical Paintings
The Mystery of Time
New and Alternative Theories of Physics
Of Quasars And Quanta
The Problem of Past and Future
Quantum Physics
Quantum Quackery
Quantum Theory and Metaphysics
The Quantum Theory: The New Scientist's Guide to the Quantum World for non-Scientists
Revolution in Common Sense or Quantum Metaphysics
Time and Space and the Problem of Free Will
Two Aspects of Reality
Victor J. Stenger: Quantum Mechanics
Welcome to the New World of Quantum Metaphysics